Palm Sunday, 2024

As Christians commemorate Palm Sunday, we are drawn back to a pivotal moment in history when Jesus made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It's a scene that may seem paradoxical at first glance: the King of Kings, not riding a magnificent stallion or a chariot, but instead on a humble young donkey. Yet, this imagery … Continue reading Palm Sunday, 2024

The Unbreakable Bond: Understanding the Importance of Unity in the Church

In a world marked by division and discord, the call for unity within the church rings louder than ever. This past week at Pinnacle Church, we studied Ephesians 4:1-6. This Scripture provides a poignant reminder of the significance of unity among believers, emphasizing its essential role in fostering spiritual growth, fulfilling God's purpose, and bearing … Continue reading The Unbreakable Bond: Understanding the Importance of Unity in the Church

The Grace to Let Others Grow

“In his pictures, Arelius painted all faces after the manner and appearance of the women he loved, and so too everyone paints devotion according to his own passions and fancies. Someone given to fasting thinks himself very devout if he fast although his heart may be filled with hatred….Another person thinks himself devout because he … Continue reading The Grace to Let Others Grow

Unveiling the Divine Symphony: The Profound Connection Between Beauty and God’s Creation

In the fast-paced modern world, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, leaving little room to pause and appreciate the wonders around us. Yet, there are moments when we stumble upon something truly extraordinary, like a masterpiece painting, a breathtaking landscape, or the soothing notes of a timeless … Continue reading Unveiling the Divine Symphony: The Profound Connection Between Beauty and God’s Creation

Christians in Politics: Embracing Responsibility with a Higher Calling

In the dynamic landscape of politics, the role of Christians has been a subject of debate for decades. Some argue that religion and politics should remain separate, while others contend that people of faith should actively shape the policies that govern society. This blog explores five starting points to support the idea that Christians should … Continue reading Christians in Politics: Embracing Responsibility with a Higher Calling

Walking and Talking: Being a Witness in a disbelieving world

In a culture becoming increasingly hostile to a Christian worldview, believers often resort to defensive behavior or offensive attacks on those with whom they disagree. Yet, as disciples of Christ, we are summoned to live in a manner that reflects the love, grace, and truth embodied by our Lord Jesus Christ. In the words of … Continue reading Walking and Talking: Being a Witness in a disbelieving world